Fashion blog is the correct place if you want to look for anything related to fashion. These blogs will provide you with highly informative knowledge on various fashion related topics. You get to know about the current fashion statement that is prevailing in the market and the latest dressing styles that have evolved. It gives you an outlook on what trends are followed by celebrities and the latest work of popular and new designers. It is a source of information on various other topics like beauty products, street shopping, best and affordable places to buy different kinds of stuff, fashion related accessories and much more.
The beginning of the fashion blogs resulted in influencing the people to a very large extent especially fashion conscious people who look for the latest trends prevailing in the market and then they decide what to buy. These blogs are becoming extremely important for big brands to do their advertising and marketing and they also pay the owners to write positively about their brand or new products, because they know that a blog with high readership can create a powerful impact on the people.
Let us see the history of fashion bloggers
- First of all the fashion blogs appeared in blogosphere before the year 2002.
- In the year 2002 they slowly started emerging on the internet.
- From one fashion blog in the year 2002 the number increased to nearly over 100 fashion blogs in the year 2006.
- After the beginning phase of fashion blogs in the year 2002 Kathryn Finney of The Budget Fashionista was cordially invited for the event in New York Fashion week in 2003 during early September.
- also gained a lot of popularity in the succeeding years.
- In the year 2004 was introduced by Michelle Madhok and earned a great amount of money by end of the year 2005.
- Julie Frederickson created a fashion blogging network in the year 2005 which comprised of several things related to the fashion industry.
- In 2005 Scott Schuman began blogging on street fashion.
- In 2006 Manolo’s shoe blog was very famous and earned a lot of profits.
- In 2006 many fashion blogs started reaping commercial success at a very good scale.
- In 2008 Kelly Cook and Tina Craig of Bagsnob.Com were invited at the shows such as Diane von Furstenberg and Oscar de la Renta.
- In 2009 blogger Rumi Neely of Fashion Toast went to achieve success from beginning a small website to runway of a very famous label.
- Two fashion blogs that started around 2002 are still running and these are Look Online Daily Fashion Report and She She Me.
The fashion industry has completely evolved over the years and so have the blogs according to the recent trends in the market. Now there are many fashion blogs that are very honest in their opinion and have very high readability and enjoy a lot of commercial success. When we look back at the history we see that the fashion blogging has achieved such great heights and has far more coverage than ever. Fashion blogs have a lot of influence on people and to develop their opinions about a particular brand.

Fashion! Yeah, there is really no need to explain the importance of this in our lives. No matter wherever your life is taking you to, you will want to be among the best fashion choices in your clan. It does not only mean that you should have a great sense of dressing but fashion is hidden in all aspects of our lives – be it the aesthetic sense of your home décor or even the sense of designing your outdoors or the lifestyle you follow but more commonly how you live your life is what fashion is all about.